Bread and Butter

Well I've been thinking of everything that's going to go into this booth and most of the things I want to do turn out to be a little pricier than the average Riverfest buyer is probably looking to spend. Things like painted furniture and original paintings. So I got to thinking of some "fillers" that I also like to make but don't take much time. I saw these frames in a local gift shop and they were $38 for some paper and ink. I decided to make my own one year for some friends for Christmas and I cut my own words (instead of printing). So I've spent the past couple weekends making about 20 of these and I think they look great! Now all I have to do is buy all the clip frames to put them in. I'll add more pictures of them once I get them all ready. The one here is for one of my sister's wedding pictures. I'll have forms ready for people that want one of a special date or name. I'll probably be selling mine for about $20-$28. Let me know what you think! Should I add a ribbon to hang them from or not??


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