Kissing Orange Street Goodbye

Well...after running around this town like crazy, trying to get my "business" official, and hitting a few speed bumps along the way, I've decided to wait and go back to my original plan. So Riverfest will (hopefully) be my first booth, Orange Street Arts Festival (in May) will have to wait for another year. In registering my business, it turns out there is another unico out there (who knew!?) so I had to change my name to unica...which is the female version of unique or one-of-a-kind in spanish, so it's a better fit anways. It'll be a great show to go to and talk to vendors and feel out how the process works by those who actually go through it.

So don't come looking for me in May! I'll be walking around as a customer. I wanted my first show to be one I feel great about and there is not enough time in May to get ready for the appearance I wish to make. I'll be keeping busy with my art for now and I'll keep you posted along the road to October 2!

A big thank you to Doug at the CFCC Business Center!!! He sat down and explained the whole business process so clearly to me last week...I'll look forward to seeing him in October.


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